Od 15. do 17. juna 2023. godine u organizaciji Katedre za elektronsko poslovanje, Fakulteta organizacionih nauka, Univerziteta u Beogradu, održana je treća E-business technologies conference (https://www.ebt.rs/).
Autori sa Katedre za mikroelektroniku Elektronskog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Nišu, Nikola Mitrović, Milan Đorđević, Sandra Veljković i Danijel Danković, prezentovali su rad naslovom „IoT Enabled Software Platform for Air Quality Measurements”. Organizacioni odbor Konferencije proglasio je ovaj rad za najbolji rad u sekciji.
Abstract—This paper presents an example of the IoT framework that is suitable for implementation into Smart City and environment system for air quality estimations. Framework consists of the web server application designed for IoT system in client-server mode, where hardware units present separate clients. Application is designed mainly using node.js tools and is accessible through web browsers. Framework is tested with appropriate ESP32 based measuring system being the client in the configuration. Measured data can be transferred, processed and shown to the users in real-time using graphs and images. Also, data is logged and stored for broader air quality assessments. Commercial capabilities and business approach is discussed.